Now and There, Here and Then
Now and There, Here and Then (2018), HD digital video, color, sound, 11:51 min
Nowand There, Here and Then (2018) tells a story of a mother and daughter living in two different time zones. 5000 miles and 9 hours of time difference are compressed within a single channel video. Layers of digital frames capture celestial times reminding us of the geographical distance. Flattenedworlds find another dimension through a conversation between the two.

Now and There, Here and Then Installation includes:
0:22.mov (2018), HD digital video, silence, Mp3 player, polarizing films, wooden stool replicating the one made by Artist's mom, 00:22 min.

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore (2018), HD digital video, color, sound, 10:00 min